Sunday, 12 July 2009

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Logbook entry: #2233 the beginning there was no reality!

This is a story by openly and willingly infringe copyrights!
Because and dedicated to all the people (who THINK that they) have no talents & professions, but who have a dream, and art of their life, expressed through the empowerment by their worlds of worlds, their histories, as all of them form one.
This is a personal emancipation, of histories, dedicated to all fellows!


It is interesting how you can observe, how "real" society changes, (or them who produce the objects of your research), by observing a long series and (sub-)culture, like Star Trek!

So it is interesting, that the new Star Trek movie is classified as "alternate reality", in the chronology of Star Trek (Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki)!

And as the movie reflects post-modern Hollywood, it is appropriate to call it "alternate reality" (and not "time")!

Because, by "Killing" Vulcan, they show us their altered reality, their new social cognition, which does not like anymore, the paternal dictatorship, of the competition culture, of and between feeling & logic!

But want, that Spock watches, how his logic dies, and want a pluralistic Spock, with feelings & logic, to survive, in the alternate reality!
In a new reality and history!
The NEW generation (not only next generation!)!

That is something very interesting & maybe reasonable, but it is a pity, that the writers of "Enterprise" & "Star Trek" (11), didn't even realise, what they really characterised and said.
If they did, they should have pointed it out, more clearly!

But then, would this not be a contradiction, to wish that critical thinking should be efficient?!
Because it would not think, of the interesting of the (continuity-)error (of humans), and thus diversity, and it's IDIC.

Which Spocks character and force, magically combines, like a Jedi!

Like Star Wars & Star Trek would!

Thus the master said:
"Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end."
Spock in the year 2293, on the Star-Ship USS Enterprise - NCC 1701 A

...thus, what about a ship, called with the sentance³ "Killing Vulcans!"?

Led by earths furthest major jedi master, called by the tital of Spock, the Captain.
As captain, of the historic pirate ship!
In orbit of Coruscant, and it's Emperial Republic!!!

Thus let us beginn, with the UNIVERSAL- hiSTORY, of
Killing Vulcans!

Logbook entry: #2232